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Terms & Conditions

Refinas Kickboxing Studio managed by Thaim Fitness Private Limited.

Article 1:Management Company
Thaim Fitness Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “TFP”) operates and manages the facility.
Article 2:Purpose
The facility aims to enhance the mental and physical health of members through sports, foster member communication, and promote sports culture.
Article 3:Membership
  1. Membership entails approval by TFP, with membership types specified per facility.
  2. TFP notifies members in advance of any changes or abolishment of membership types and terms.
Article 4:Membership Eligibility
Membership is restricted to individuals who:
  1. Agree with the facility's objectives and rules.
  2. Are in good health without medical restrictions.
  3. Do not have specified medical conditions.
  4. Meet age requirements and screening criteria set by TFP.
  5. For minors, have parental/guardian consent.
  6. Have no history of expulsion or financial delinquency.
  7. Are deemed suitable by TFP.
Article 5:Admission Procedures
Prospective members must:
  1. Complete the application with required documents and fees.
  2. Membership is granted upon TFP’s approval.
Article 6:Admission Fee
Non-refundable admission fee set by TFP, refunded only if membership application is rejected.
Article 7:Membership Fee
Set by TFP, payable as per TFP’s guidelines, subject to change.
Article 8:Refund of Membership Fee
Non-refundable except upon rejection of membership application.
Article 9:Eligibility for Use
Persons ineligible include those under the influence, carrying dangerous items, in arrears, or not meeting Article 4 criteria.
Article 10:Membership Card
TFP issues cards for member identification, non-transferable, to be returned upon membership termination.
Article 11:Renewal
Membership auto-renews unless canceled in writing, with renewal fees applicable.
Article 12:Usage Fees
Separate fees set by TFP apply for facility usage.
Article 13:Use of Facilities
Members use facilities per membership category and facility rules, subject to TFP’s scheduling and usage restrictions.
Article 14:Transfer of Membership and Name Change
Membership non-transferable without TFP approval, cannot be pledged or disposed of.
Article 15:MLoss of Membership
Membership ends upon resignation, death, dissolution of corporate members, expulsion, or non-compliance with eligibility criteria.
Article 16:Expulsion
TFP may expel members for false declarations, rule violations, damage to facility, non-payment, or conduct detrimental to TFP or facility dignity.
Article 17:Withdrawal from Membership
Member-initiated withdrawal requires prior notice, with arrears settlement.
Article 18:Self-Suspension
Member-requested suspension requires prior notice, with membership resuming automatically thereafter.
Article 19:MVisitors
Non-members may use facilities under specified conditions and fees set by TFP.
Article 20:Operation and Management
TFP manages facility operations, allowing member feedback, and sets rules for facility use.
Article 21:Compliance with Rules
Members and visitors must follow facility rules and regulations set by TFP.
Article 22:MHolidays
TFP designates facility closure dates annually.
Article 23:Business Hours
Business hours set by each facility, subject to change.
Article 24:Disclaimer of Liability
TFP is not liable for theft, injury, or accidents unless caused by TFP negligence.
Article 25:Member Liability
Members are liable for damages caused to TFP, other members, visitors, or third parties during facility use.
Article 26:Changes in Fees
TFP may revise admission, membership, and usage fees with prior notice.
Article 27:Notification of Change
Members must inform TFP of any changes to personal information.
Article 28:Closure or Restriction of Use
TFP may close or restrict facility use due to operational challenges, notifying members accordingly.
Article 29:Bylaws
Additional operational matters are detailed in separate Bylaws.
Article 30:Revision of Regulations
TFP may amend rules and bylaws with prior notice to members.
Article 31:Method of Notification
Changes to rules and regulations are communicated through facility notices and TFP’s website.
Article 32:Effective Date
These terms are effective from June 1, 2024.

Detailed Regulations (Prohibited Items)
The facility prohibits acts that disrupt member cooperation or facility operations, ensuring orderly conduct within premises.