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FEATURE Features

Owner Message

The owner, a genuine Muay Thai fighter who has dedicated most of his life to the sport, has even headlined events in Thailand. He emphasizes how kickboxing refines the mind and helps maintain both physical and mental health. Experience the ffectiveness of kickboxing in sculpting your body. Let's enjoy KICKBOXING!

sophisticated space

Training in a space designed with the owner's thoughts and interior design by a top designer will refine your mind and body. Equipped with separate showers and powder rooms for men and women.

Towards a truly beautiful body

Build a real body with kickboxing. It is possible to aim for an ideal style with high calorie consumption and supple muscles.

CONCEPT concept

Even beginners and women can enjoy attending. Make kickboxing a lifestyle
A sophisticated space in the middle of the city Creating a community of people who continue to shine towards their ideals
"Enjoy" "Relieve stress" "Improve basal metabolism" create value in individual lives

ABOUT About Refinas

"Refinas Kickboxing Studio" opened on September 24, 2017 near Namba Station in Osaka. Refinas Gym is a sports gym that focuses on kickboxing.

Unlike traditional dojo-style martial arts gyms, we aim to be a stylish and clean fitness gym that can be enjoyed by not only office workers but also women and beginners. The concept is "to help people continue to shine toward their ideals." Refine has the meaning of ``to refine, to refine, to make elegant, and we have put our thoughts into it, ``May your future be even brighter.

From women who want to become beautiful, to people who want to get seriously strong, to office workers and housewives who want to move their bodies due to lack of exercise, to people who want to relieve stress, to people who want to get in shape or lose weight, to people who feel that their daily fitness is lacking. This is a gym that everyone can enjoy.

MESSAGE Greetings from the representative

Shohei Inai

We have recently opened "Refinas Kickboxing Studio" in Namba, Osaka. The reason I created Refinas Kickboxing Studio was because when I was living as an athlete and office worker, I was going to a martial arts gym and the sport of kickboxing improved my mind and body, and I think it had a very positive impact on my life. That's what I felt. We wanted as many people as possible to enjoy this experience. However, as the general public imagines, martial arts gyms have a strong impression of being a man's world, and I think there are some people who have a bad idea of what it's like to join one. There are gyms in the world that have many beginners and female members, but I feel that there are not many gyms that are very particular about the interior design and are stylish and clean, making it easy for beginners and women to go. In addition, by creating the facility within a 1-minute walk from the terminal station, we wanted as many customers as possible to enjoy the experience. Having played as a professional athlete and experienced kickboxing for about 10 years, and having continued to do kickboxing even when I was an office worker, I thought that there was a fitness gym that I could create, which led to the creation of Refinas Gym. Please come and experience "Refinas fitness studio" once.
Shohei Inai

PRICE Price information

Price plan (Including tax)

Platinum member (available at all times)
  • Male: 8,000 Rs
  • Female: 7,000 Rs

Weekly Member (Available a time in a week month 4times only)
  • Male: 5,000 Rs
  • Female: 4,500 Rs

personal membership
  • 60 minutes per session +3,000 Rs


Have fun and relieve stress! Aim for a beautiful body! Free admission fee Now accepting special grand opening commemorative campaign
Normally for male Gold members
Admission fee 4000Rs

Contact Us

ACCESS access

To access each store, please select the target store from the store list and check the store details page.

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CONTACT Reservations/Inquiries

business hours
Weekdays 11:00-22:00
Saturday 10:00-20:00 Sundays and holidays 10:00-18:00 (closed on Mondays)

Please feel free to contact us +91-96321-40022

Click here for inquiries and reservations
